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What are the best Costa Rican coffee beans on the market?

Costa Rica is a small, yet vibrant country in Central America. It is bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica is a famous contributor in the coffee market, known for producing high-quality coffee beans with the best notes, bright acidity, balanced body, and complex flavors. And this is attributed to the country’s high-altitude regions, such as Tarrazú and the Central Valley.

As a specialty coffee sourcing company, we’ve been following and researching about Cistercian coffee for a while. And we’ve had a chance to source some of the best coffee beans from this region in the past. So, we have created this guide to help consumers understand the best Costa Rican coffee beans to consider buying this weekend.

Best 5 Costa Rican Specialty coffee beans

Costa Rican coffee beans are unique due to the country’s ideal growing conditions, strict quality controls, high altitudes, volcanic soil, and tropical climate. So, here are some of the top coffee beans that have been nurtured in this region:

1. Costa Rica Coffee Beans

Costa Rica is a coffee brand that was named exactly like its origin. These specialty coffee beans are grown and nurtured on volcanic soils at an altitude of 1200 – 2200 MASL (Meters Above Sea Level) and go through anaerobic processing before freshly being roasted and supplied in UAE, USA, and the rest of the World.

What makes the Costa Rica coffee beans unique is their bright acidity, full-bodied flavor, and clean finish. They possess a series of cup profiles which include Fruity, Honey, Milk chocolate, Apricot, and Citrus tropical fruit. We have perfectly Roasted Costa Rica coffee beans in our stock for all those who would love to give them a try.

2. Tarrazú Coffee Beans

Tarrazú is one of the most famous coffee-growing regions in Costa Rica, known for its high-altitude farms and ideal growing conditions. Coffee beans from Tarrazú are celebrated for their bright acidity, full body, and complex flavor notes, often featuring citrus, tropical fruits, and a smooth, chocolatey finish.

3. Dota Coffee Beans

Located within the Tarrazú region, Dota is a sub-region recognized for producing some of Costa Rica’s finest beans. Coffee from Dota is known for its balanced acidity, fruity notes, and floral aromas, often accompanied by hints of chocolate and spice.

4. Central Valley Coffee Beans

The Central Valley region, especially around the capital, San José, produces beans with a balanced profile, featuring a mild acidity, medium body, and rich, sweet flavors. Coffee from this region often has notes of caramel, fruit, and nuts, making it ideal for a smooth and approachable cup.

5. Brunca Coffee Beans

The Brunca region, in southern Costa Rica, produces coffee with lower acidity compared to other regions, but with a sweet and smooth flavor profile. Beans from Brunca typically have mild fruit and nutty flavors, often with chocolatey undertones.


The unique terroir of regions Costa Rican coffee growing regions such as the Tarrazú and Central Valley contributes to the amazing cup profiles and taste note possessed by Costa Rica coffee beans. Additionally, Costa Rica also emphasizes sustainable farming practices, including eco-friendly processing methods such as honey and washed processing, which enhance the coffee’s clean and refined taste. These factors make Costa Rican coffee highly prized in the specialty coffee industry.

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